Spring Cleaning?
Best Way to deep clean your wood flooring.
Walking on wooden floors with shoes on will deposits anything that you may have on your shoes, may it be sand and dirt or worse. These particles are abrasive and will damage the protective finishes on your floor over time.

Always vacuum or dust mop your floor on a regular basis to stop the sand or dirt building up on your floor. Individual dust mops or micro fibre pads are available.
There are a lot of myths on the internet that the best solution for cleaning the floor is vinegar and water. Vinegar is acidic and over time this will damage the protective finish on your floor.
Most manufacturers of protective oils and lacquers have developed their own cleaning products and wood maintenance products which complement their wood finishing products.
Ideally, when you purchase your wood floor, make a note of the finishing oil or lacquer that has been used on the floor. If in doubt, ask the retailer.

At Wooden Floor Accessories we stock all the major brands of protective oils and lacquers as well as their associated cleaning products. Many leading brands such as Bona, Ciranova, Marldon, Osmo, Rubio, Saicos and WOCA are long established brands with years of expertise in wood floor finishes and wood floor cleaning products.
It is worth looking the BONA Spray Mop for lacquered floors and the NEW BONA Oiled Floor Spray Mop which actual enriches the oil finish on your hardwood floor, BONA Spray Mop can also be used as floor duster by using the inter-changeable BONA Dusting Pad… Two bird’s one stone.
Most good wood floor retailers will sell the necessary cleaning products to complement their floors. Do not be fobbed off with own label products as these will not have the necessary nutrients in them to ensure maximum life of your floor as they produced in mass for general use.
Having invested good money on installing a quality hardwood floor why would you skimp on the necessary products to maintain it.
Happy cleaning
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